UN is becoming useless, we should start thinking of ending it – Muntaka on Israel and Hamas war

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The Member of

for Asawase, Alhaji Mohammed, has said the United Nations is gradually becoming a body that is incapable of implementing its own resolutions.

He said the time has come for discussions to be held to end the   because it is becoming a useless body.

Commenting on the and Hamas war while addressing the media in Parliament last week, Muntaka said “This thing that is happening to Palestinians today can happen in any part of . If the Holocaust ended in 1945 and today this is happening, remember, the last country in Africa got its independence just in the 1990s, so it means that it can still happen to any of us.

“What is happening now is about people blocking between us and them but every life matters, a Jewish life matters, a Palestinian life matters, an American life matters, a Ghanaian life matters, all lives are lives, we cannot cherish one life over the other.

“The UN, unfortunately, is gradually becoming a useless body because a United Nations that cannot enforce its resolution, what is?  Maybe, just as the League of Nations ended,  we should probably be thinking of ending the United Nations because it is gradually becoming a useless organization that is incapable of doing anything. Once those superpowers, , America, and , are doing something, all others can. But if it is any other country then that is where they find their voice. I don’t think you can run a world organization the way they are running the organization. I hope that the UN will begin getting tougher if they really want the world to unite.”

The Palestinian militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented  on Israel on Saturday, with hundreds of gunmen infiltrating communities near the Gaza Strip.

At least 1,300 Israelis have been , while dozens of  and civilians, including women and , are being held in Gaza as hostages.

More than 1,300 Palestinians have also been killed in numerous air strikes on Gaza that Israel’s military is carrying out in response, and Israel has imposed a total blockade on the territory, denying it food, , and other essentials.

It is also massing its forces along the Gaza border, and Palestinians are bracing themselves for a ground operation that could cost many more deaths.

Britain took control of the area known as Palestine after the ruler of that part of the Middle East, the Ottoman Empire, was defeated in World War One.

The land was inhabited by a Jewish  and Arab , as well as other, smaller ethnic groups.

Tensions between the two peoples grew when the international community gave the  the task of establishing a “national home” in Palestine for Jewish people.

This stemmed from the Balfour Declaration of 1917, a pledge made by then Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Britain’s Jewish community.

The declaration was enshrined in the British mandate over Palestine and endorsed by the newly-created League of Nations, the forerunner of the – in 1922.

To Jews, Palestine was their ancestral home, but Palestinian Arabs also claimed the land and opposed the move.

Between the 1920s and 1940s, the number of Jews arriving there grew, with many fleeing persecution in Europe, especially the Nazi Holocaust in World War Two.

Violence between Jews and Arabs and against British rule also increased.

In 1947, the UN voted for Palestine to be split into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem becoming an international city.

That plan was accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by the Arab side and never implemented.

In 1948, unable to solve the problem, Britain withdrew, and Jewish leaders declared the creation of the State of Israel.

It was intended to serve as a safe haven for Jews fleeing persecution as well as a national homeland for Jews.

Fighting between Jewish and Arab militias had been intensifying for months, and the day after Israel declared statehood, five Arab countries attacked.

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